
Pork Drunk Veggies

Tonight, along with my Costco meatballs and perfectly cooked (in a rice cooker) rice and decided to make some veggies. Trying to get my kids to eat certain kinds of veggies is a task all on it's own. I have to sneak it to them under a mount of sugar, smother them in chocolate... or better yet overdose the veggies on pork, garlic and onions. Not too mad, right?

Vegeatable(s) of choice

In skillet brown diced up bacon to render some fat into the pan.
If you want the bacon to be "crispy" fry it until it is crispy, once the onion is added moisture will be introduce and you will never achieve crispy. Add a few gloves of garlic (a tsp of the minced, in-a-bottle, kind) along with some salt and pepper. Let the onions get soft, and then add the veggies. You can add frozen veggies because the water will not allow anything to burn. Fresh veggies just cook quicker.


Hornsfan said...

I love my veggies but if I were a kid who wasn't so sure of them the bacon smothered version would sure be a good way to hide the nutritious veggie content!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Everything is better with bacon :)

Chef E said...

At first glance I thought it said 'Poor' drunk veggies, so I came over to feel some love and share in the 'sauce' :) It looks wonderful, I always get so hungry when I do my 11 AM blog reading, I wonder why?

Kiezie said...

Ah bacon, how I love thee. And even more so now that I know that the fake turkey bacon is no more healthy than thee. Add what you will, the bacon is always delightful. (Sorry, I saw bacon and I got a little non-poetic!)